bush fire information
bush fire information
Prevention is a key to bush/wildfire survivability. While your fire department completes controlled burns of risk areas, you can do the same with your garden waste. After a big storm or cleaning the bush/wild-land around your property put all your green waste into 1.5 metres (5 feet) piles at least 15 metres (50 feet) from other vegetation and burn the pile on a cool, low wind day when the fire danger rating is low and outside of the fire season. If you need information or an inspection please contact your local fire department. If the pile is too large or the conditions are not suitable, you must contact your local fire department before burning as this can lead to criminal charges.
On behalf of firefighters, I can tell you that I much prefer doing a controlled pile burn for training than having to respond to an illegal pile burn, putting out the fire and watching the police issue a fine when conditions aren't suitable. Another great way to help prevent fires is to make sure all smoke is extinguished from any fire before you leave the area, this includes campfires, candles, matches and cigarettes. Remember "Where there's smoke, there's fire". |
Notes: if time permits, firefighters may come to your house and suggest you leave. This is your last safe chance to do so.
If police come to your house/area and tell you to evacuate, it is an order, you must leave now with the police or you will not survive the fire. Fact: there will never be enough resources to save every house, property or life every time. You cannot rely on emergency services to save you if something happens. |