FirsT responders |
To Serve and infoRM
FirsT responders |
Flights Flown
Flight Hours
Nautical Miles
First Responders
IFR is the lead combat agency for all emergencies within Infinite Flight. Our sectors encompass Polair, Aerial firefighting, Air ambulance, Support and an Incident Management Team allowing us to resolve any emergency that may threaten the global Infinite Flight community. |
During downtime our pilots participate in training exercises, operational (special) flights such as escorts and firefighting, we host community events where we perform scenarios and provide information on both current and future emergencies affecting our community around the world. |
Operational Management
IFR offers a range of operational management solutions which can be adapted to any multi-person event, activity or incident from basic Incident Control System functions, committed operations specialists or Command and Control Personnel up to full Incident Management Teams. |
Here's to fighting crime, extinguishing big fires or saving a lives!